Monday, May 26, 2008

Llavac, Quezon

Last 2005, Joseph was Camp Director of the CISV Dap-ayan Village in Baguio City. He claimed to want to retire after that. He has been a twice JC, twice Adult Leader and to be Camp Director is the ultimate goal. Having achieved this in 2005 with a lot of intrigues and drama, he bid CISV goodbye and gave me the go-signal to continue....

Sometime in April of this year, Tito Tom Adarme of CISV Manila, who is also a member of the ODC in CISV International, sent me a text message, asking me if Joseph would be interested to be an International Camp Director for a CISV Village in Guangzhou, China..... I relayed the invitation to Joseph and he was very excited. Tito Tom informed us that he was approached by CISV China, Japan and Korea to help get international directors and staffers for their villages. Joseph was eyed for China but eventually, he was assigned to direct the village in Seoul, Korea. To finalize the assignment, we were invited to meet with Junko, IEC Vice President, together with the directors eventually chosen for China and Japan, Tito Ike and Tita Nining. The venue of the gathering cum screening (hehehe) was in the farm of Tito Tom in Llavac, Quezon.

Tito Tom is an architect by profession and his farm attests to this..... The houses are well thought of. Everything is perfect. The improvements blend with nature instead of competing with it. The farm is a haven for those who want some peace and tranquility. The food was superb.... For the adventurers, there is still an avenue for your streak because there is a 40 meter slide leading to the freshwater pool.... It was a great great weekend.....